Thursday, December 20, 2007

One but last shot...

Have not been blogging again lately, but did make progress on my animation. Had to conquer quite a few rendering issues with scene number four, but came out on top! I am now (still) working on the final scene, which only has two shots, albeit long ones. The video below shows my character misbehaving once again, swimming of like an evolved artificial creature:

Monday, December 3, 2007


Daniel Maskit of Digital Domain was right to put Pixar on trial for making an animation that is just too good (Drat, More Rats!). Finaly watched "Ratatouille" and the quality of the animation is depressingly high. The story doesn't completely suck either. And there are no Randy Newman songs in it, another reason why it is way better then "Cars"!

Despite that discouraging DVD viewing I'm still moving along with my animation. Rendering scene 4, animating the final scene (#5).