It’s weird being an artist
When I was on the most western point of Ireland, the locals had trouble pronouncing or even remembering my name, so for the week I was there I was Bob. And to quote NoMeansNo: It’s weird being a Bob.
A colleague of mine, another Art Professor, asked me where I learned to become an Artist. For she did see me as one, meaning I think like an artist. But I did not go to Art School proper. I tried to relate my journey but could not really explain it. I don’t think I learned to be an Artist. I may be an artist despite my schooling as a filmmaker. I have always felt the need to create, and express myself. Not in words, but visually.
Can one learn to be an artist? You can learn the tools and techniques of creating Art. You can study Art History and build a solid foundation for you artistic practice. But can you learn to have this innate drive to create?
Bob the Artist does not know, but feels it is not so. Is this urge to create innately human, does everybody have it in them? Is there an Artist inside every person, waiting to be unlocked? That would be weird.